to other consumer activism pages

Note: Links change and disappear all the time (including government links to public information!), so often your best bet will be to use Google to search for terms like "CFR 64.1200" or "47 USC 227", which are numbers of the relevant laws.     Ahhh... I love Google.

Information on the TCPA of 1991
--Californians Against Telephone Solicitation
--'s TCPA links page

Other People fighting the Good Fight
--Private Citizen: A group dedicated to fighting telemarketers A group using the same law to fight junk faxing. Join the discussion group, which includes both fax and telemarketing issues.

Various Articles (In no particular order)
--You want to know: "Can I catch the bastards on tape???"
--An article describing a victory on the question of whether states must directly support the TCPA (they don't have to).

Telemarketers aren't the only people who deserve a hot skewer through the eyeball....
Take tobacco companies for example. Here's a site that will tell THE TRUTH.

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